The Gods Of Egypt

Amen (Amon) and Amen-Ra, King of the Gods | Forms of Amen-Ra | Osiris, Asar | Worship of Osiris | Isis | Anpu, or Anubis | Horus | Nephthys | Asar-Hapi, or Serapis | Nut | The Gods of Heliopolis | Egyptian Mythology | Hieroglyphics | Galery

Welcome To Ancient Egypt


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The more than 3000 year long history of Ancient Egypt has been divided into 8 or 9 periods, sometimes called Kingdoms. This modern-day division is somewhat arbitrarily based on the country's unity and wealth and the power of the central government.



The only mortal to become a god, this vizier, advisor, high priest and physician to the King
Djoser, designed Djosers Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Besides his weighty duties to the king, the
wise man wrote extensively, developed revolutionary medical procedures and was revered
throughout the Two Lands. Centuries after his death, Egyptians worshipped him; Imhotep
became the god of medicine and healing and was identified with Aescalapius by the ancient

Purpose: God of medicine, knowledge and architecture.

Imagery: Usually represented seated, with a papyrus spread across his lap.

Ancient Egypt
When we speak of Sumeria, we are still so close to the beginning of extra-biblical recorded history, that it is difficult to determine the priority or sequence of the many related civilizations that developed in the Ancient Near East.
Until recently, the oldest written records known to us were Sumerian. But according to an Associated Press Report of December 15, 1998, clay tablets discovered in southern Egypt may represent the earliest known writings. They were found in the tomb of a king named Scorpion, and date from the pre-dynastic period (that is, the time before Egypt was unified into one kingdom and there were rulers known as pharaohs). Gunter Dreyer, of the German Archaeological Institute, announced that the tablets thus far discovered and deciphered record linen and oil deliveries made about 5300 years ago, paid as taxes to Scorpion. These tablets have been dated to between 3300 and 3200 BC. This discovery, thus challenges the widely held belief that the first people to write were the Sumerians of Mesopotamia.
However, it remains clear that the Egyptians derived certain aspects of their culture from Sumeria and Babylonia (though writing might have been independently invented in both places). We know for certain that trade passed between the two regions. A look at a map explains why Egypt throughout its known history has belonged more to western Asia than to Africa: trade and culture could pass from Asia along the Mediterranean to the Nile, but shortly beyond that it was blocked by the desert which, with the cataracts of the Nile, isolated Egypt from the remainder of Africa.


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